9 January 2009

Thattekkad diaries. Part 4

I became unwell, with a stomach bug. So we decided to rest it out in our rooms. Did not go birding in the morning. But by evening, even though i was feeling very weak, i was determined to go birding. Plus we were again going in search of the Mottled Wood Owl. Again Girish & myself scanned all the possible trees for about an hour, but could not see anything. We gave up & was going to check out the Indian Pitta & the Jerdon's Night Jar again.

While walking an birder from Australia had observed some bird excreta under a tree & she said in Australia it means there definitely is an Owl roosting on the tree. Girish 's eyes lit up & in a jiffy he spotted the Mottled Wood Owl

sitting there & looking down at us. But unfortunately it just gave us glimpse & flew away. We searched again for an hour but could not see it. But atleast we got a clue of its possible roost, we made plans to come tomorrow, just to see the Mottled Wood Owl again.

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